Lucy and Lulu are 2017 Send My Friend Campaign Champions from Hertfordshire.
James and Treeve are 2017 Send My Friend Campaign Champions from the Isle of Wight.
Phillip is 10-years-old and from Malawi. Phillip likes going to school and feels bad for the children who don’t get to go to school.
Memory is 10-years-old and attends school in Malawi – one of the poorest countries in the world, where only 29% of girls who start primary school finish.
Melvin is 12-years-old and from Malawi. He wants to be a police office when he leaves school.
Barbara lives in Malawi. She is visually impaired and has to attend school far away from her family in order to get the assistance she needs.
2020 Teacher Pack with everything you need to bring campaign to life in the classroom.
Here are some of the key questions you might get asked about the Missing Piece campaign. Why not test each […]
We have created a Learning Resource for schools to use with their students to discuss the General Election including information and activities.
This activity sheet provides top tips for writing a speech to inspire others about the importance of campaigning for education for all.