The Send My Friend ‘Let My Friends Learn, how the UK Government can protect children’s education in emergencies’ report launch took place on Monday 17th April at Parliament.

Emily, Elise, Helen Grant MP and Bambos Charalambous MP
The event was co-chaired by Bambos Charalambous MP and Vicky Ford MP chairs of the APPG on Global Education. Panellists included UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Muzoon, Helen Grant MP Special Envoy for Girls’ Education and Jane Mann from the Cambridge Partnership for Education.
Huge congratulations to Campaign Champions Emily and Elise from Upton High, who delivered their speech with confidence outlining important reasons why the UK government should invest in education in emergencies.
Emily and Elise also presented a letter signed by over 100 young people in their local area, which highlighted the significance of youth engagement in the advocacy around #LetMyFriendsLearn.
Read Emily & Elise’s full speech here
Look out for the Youth Friendly Policy report, which will be coming out soon!