Years 7,8 and 9 joined together for Big Read activities.
“On the 22nd of April year seven, eight and nine had a great lesson. We joined in with schools all across the UK for The Big Read and the Send My Friend to School campaign.
We watched a funny video of our teachers reading lots of different books that they liked. Then we learnt about how lucky and privileged we are to have an education in a good school. But for many children across the world life is the complete opposite. Lots of young children are sent out to work at such young ages, just to stay with their families.
So then we had a read and thought about how privileged we are to have the ability to do that.
Then we had the big chance to write to Gordon Brown and remind him that he made a promise. In 2015 all children will have a primary education.
Mister Brown can ignore one of us but not all of us.”
by Annie Crowe
“We wrote a letter to Gordon Brown which mentioned our opinions and our strong beliefs on how much the big read means to us. Also we reminded him about his promise on how much he needs to stick to his promise and find other ways to improve the amount of people who will get an education. We wrote this letter because we wanted him to know that if he didn’t have a good education he would not be the prime minister and every child dreams to be wealthy and have a good future ahead of them.
There’s over 75 million people in the world that don’t have an education and a reminder that Gordon Brown promised to get everyone an education in primary school by 2015 and hope he sticks to that promise because everyone deserves a good education and needs valuable skills for the future.”
by Sara Khalid & Naila Khan