A Diamond 9
6th February 2018The purpose of a diamond nine is to promote discussion or reflection about the relative
importance of a range of factors.
Children in danger – issue trees
6th February 2018This activity asks young people to begin to analyse the reasons why schools are not peaceful and safe everywhere, and to begin to propose solutions.
What makes your school safe?
6th February 2018This activity aims to engage young people in thinking critically about school safety in their own lives.
Agrina’s story
5th February 2018Agrina is 15 years old and lives with her mother, father and two brothers in the Southern district of Zambia.
Majid’s story
5th February 2018Majid is 15 years old, when ISIS came to where he lived his school was closed.
Content warning – Majid’s story […]
Amnah’s story
5th February 2018Amnah is 12 years old and goes to school in Gaza, Palestine – an area which frequently experiences violence.
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Barbara’s story
5th February 2018Barbara is 17 years old and is from Malawi. She is also one of the leaders of an after-school club […]
Yasmina’s story
5th February 2018Yasmina is 10 years old and recently fled fighting in Mosul, Iraq. She is now living in Hammam Al Alil […]
Zeinab’s story
5th February 2018Zeinab is eight years old, and her brother Ali is five years old, they are from Syria but are now […]
2018 Extension Activities
6th February 2018Here are five classroom extension activities design to accompany the 2018 Teacher’s Pack.