The school ran a week of assemblies and class-based PSHE and Rights Respecting lessons during which the pupils learned about the universal right to an education and how and why many children with disabilities were being denied this right.
Each pupil in the school decorated a buddy for display in the KS2 Hall and every class designed a giant buddy with a powerful message about the value of education.
Local MP, Jane Ellison, was invited to visit Allfarthing and a special ‘Send ALL My Friends to School’ assembly was run for her. Class representatives read out the messages written on their giant buddies and pupils questioned their MP about her commitment to education. Pupils then sang ‘Lean on Me’, the choir performed ‘You’ve Got a Friend in Me’ and the Chamber Choir performed ‘Bridge over Troubled Water’.
Action Aid visited the school to run a global citizenship and political lobbying workshop for the school’s United Nations Rights Respecting Pupil Ambassadors and the visit was written up in a report by the Y5 Press Club reporter.