Download the 2023 Education in Emergencies campaign pack

This free campaign pack gives you everything you need to run the campaign in your school, whether you are running a twenty minute assembly, or an entire scheme of work! We want to make it as easy as possible for you to join one of the UK’s largest and most established school campaigns, and give your students the opportunity to affect genuine change. By taking part in this campaign your students will:
  • participate in a diverse and inclusive global movement
  • develop an argument, voice their opinions and make a genuine difference
  • gain the skills and knowledge to democratically influence their MP
  • develop moral and ethical values through investigating the rights-based topic of education
  • apply creativity and imagination in persuasively expressing their opinions and values
Above all, the SMF campaign shows young people that they have a voice, and that they are the most powerful advocates there are for the rights of all children to a quality education.

Resources from previous years

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